
How To Record on Laptop


My goal my ambition

 Hello, My name is M Reynaldi Maso you can call me Reynaldi or Maso. Now, I'm going to tell you about what my ambition and what I want in the future. My ambition is going to be informatics engineering because the world is gonna be advanced and has a sophisticated technology. And then informatics engineering will be needed in the future because every company certainly have IT experts inside it. Furthermore, I’ll focus on system analyst but hard to master it. The task of System analyst is testing a new system, designing a detailed PC or mobile-based application, and responsibility for system design and programmer. This job makes me have more responsibility for lives and works because of train from there. Besides that this job is in high demand from 2018 until now. Even though this is high demand job, System analyst is hard to be master and we need high skill logic to analytic data. After I complete my skill in system analyst, I'll make a company from my own causes my skill higher

Suggestion and Offer Dialog

Reynaldi : Hey Marsello, I haven’t see you in a long time, how are you? Marsello : Hey Reynaldi, I’m Fine and you ? Reynaldi : I’m fine too, why are you here ? Marsello :  Oh, I’m just looking for open recruitment member for extracurricular Reynaldi : Oh so you are looking for extracurricular,  Right now all extracurricular in our school is going to open member, which one do you choose ? Marsello : Hmm, i’m very confused right now, any suggest ? Reynaldi : Do you have any skill in sports or good physics, if you have you can join futsal or basketball Marsello : I don't think that’s a good idea,cause I don't have good physics and sport shoes Reynaldi : Ohh if you don't have a good physics, you could sit on the bench while we have a  difficulty match Marsello : How about my shoes, what do you recommend for me ? Reynaldi : Hmm, if you don't have much money right now you can borrow my old shoes  Marsello : I’m not sure if i bo

Mouse Deer and Crocodile

